You need the right card - Before you start swiping that card, make sure that you have a "travel based credit card". If you don't have a card that's travel based, you're probably not getting the rewards you deserve. Sure, there are cash back cards out there that will give you 1-2% back on everything but there are travel cards out there that will give you 5% back. If you want to maximize your rewards on travel, look into this niche based card. Other than that, sure you may save but how much will you save?
Use it properly - if you don't use your card the right way, you're not going to take advantage of the rewards and let me explain. Let's say your interest rate is 13% and you have a $500 balance. Let's say you only pay off $250 for that month. Now, you're going to have that APR tacked onto that leftover $250. In the long haul, you're going to pay more toward that interest rate than you would the rewards. It's important that you pay your card off in full each month and never miss a payment. This way, you won't have to worry about any fees at all.
Watch your rewards - This one goes alongside with picking out the right card. If you're getting a card where you only get 5 times the points on airline A and you fly airline B all the time, I think you picked out the wrong card. You're going to want to pick out the card where you can maximize on airline B. This is why it's important to be loyal to an airline. When you find yourself loyal to an airline, you're going to get more rewards and some high perks like boarding early, getting gifts or even getting upgrades on your next flight. Airlines love it when people continue to fly their airlines only.
It's not hard to pick out the right card. Usually when someone asks me about a travel card, I will tell them to look for an airline that offers a card that they fly through. While I think it's important to be loyal to an airline, I can understand why some people want to find a cheap flight and they don't care about loyalty. What they don't understand is that in the long run, the gifts and rewards might outbalance the savings that they have occurred just by going the cheap route. The next time you fly, try out a card. If you like it, keep using it, if not, just shred and cancel, it's that easy!
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